
Thursday, November 13, 2014


witty title

I wish I could say things are going according to plan. But, then I wish a lot of things.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


It was meant to be

With the collapse of previously mentioned personal projects into a pile of lead ballooniness (if "twerk" is a word...), my focus of late has been a project called Athena. A feature film directed by Robert Filion. Myself and a few others are working on some really cool visual effects. I am not at liberty to discuss or show you anything just yet, but as soon as I have permission or the trailer is completed, you will see what I have been working on.

This project was started about 2 years ago and I was brought on board to help bring it to life. Circumstances and money forced me to jump ship and the FX responsibilities fell on the shoulders of others. They did not deliver, so I am, once again back on board. Were it not for my hesitation, this thing would have been done last year. So here we are.  

The once and future thing

The web series project is still alive and well. Scripting and revisions are happening. Actors and crew are coming around. Perhaps this spring you may see a trailer. wink. wink. Thank You to all of you who subscribe to my ramblings. I had no idea anyone was really reading this stuff.

That's all for now. Visualize whirled peas.